Welcome To PromoAffilates
If you’re reading this you have taken your first step to becoming a Pro Affiliate at PromoAffiliates! Please take out the time to watch the video below and read the Frequently Asked Questions section on this page. It is our goal to help you become the best and most successful version of yourself and we believe that these tips tricks and guide will do just that.
Cost per action, also known as CPA. is an acronym that means exactly what it is. It is the cost of an action that a client has set aside and agreed to pay for. The action is providing a promotion code, the cost is what the net return of the action is, granted all stipulations are met for that campaign. PPA, also known as pay per action is interchangeable with CPA.
Lyft & Uber CPA Line Graph
The line graph below shows the quarterly fluctuations in Lyft & Uber’s CPA; how much you make per action (activation, in this case).
PromoAffiliates offers a wide range of Promotions. Some of them include food, rides, gas, carrier services & more. We are always aquiring new deals and campaigns so what we offer today could be completely different tomorrow.
All positions at PromoAffiliates are commissioned based. You can take pride in knowing that the amount of time you contribute to being an Affiliate will be indicative of what you make. In fact some of our top earners make over 5,000.00 a month by sharing their codes in unique and creative ways.
No. You are not required to work a set number of hours with PromoAffiliates. When and where you work is entirely up you and will not be managed or dictated. Please keep in mind that the more hours you choose to work the higher your commission based salary can be!